Independent Survey Recognizes Payroll Vault for Outstanding Company Culture and Employee Engagement in the Franchise Sector
Littleton, Colorado (September 20, 2021) – Payroll Vault was recently honored with the Gold award by Franchise Business Review as part of the 2021 Franchising@WORK Awards. The awards recognize franchise companies with the highest employee satisfaction based on an independent survey of corporate franchise staff. The list is available at https://tour.franchisebusinessreview.com/franchising-at-work/
Payroll Vault’s company mission began in 2008, focused on re-defining payroll services and solutions, complemented with unparalleled customer service. Payroll Vault offers boutique-style payroll service for small businesses and provides a real-time solution for clients. In 2012, Payroll Vault launched its first franchise. Through providing entrepreneurs the opportunity to start-up their own full-service payroll business with the support of our team of experts with decades of experience, Payroll Vault Franchising is recognized as a national leader in the industry with numerous offices across the United States and expanding.
Franchise Business Review (FBR), a market research firm that specializes in benchmarking satisfaction within the franchising sector, conducts surveys of corporate franchise employees, franchise supplier employees, and franchise owners’ employees across North America each year to determine their levels of engagement.
FBR recently conducted the industry-wide Franchising@WORK Employee Engagement & Compensation Benchmarking Study to provide aggregate data to help franchise companies understand how their culture, compensation, and engagement compare to others. All corporate franchise employees were invited to take part.
Participants were asked 24 core benchmark questions related to job satisfaction, engagement, management, brand leadership, and culture, as well as detailed personal questions about their position, compensation, benefits, and demographics.
Franchises that participated in Franchise Business Review’s employee engagement research were eligible for the Franchising@WORK Awards. FBR analyzed data from over 4,000 franchise professionals to identify the finalists based on responses from their employees in eight key areas. Payroll Vault received the Gold award in the Small Class (under 25 employees).
“Recruiting and retaining employees was challenging pre-pandemic. Now, it’s nearly impossible for some organizations, as work/life balance, job flexibility (i.e. remote work), and higher wages have become top priorities,” says Eric Stites, founder and CEO of Franchise Business Review. “Brands that were focused on building a strong culture prior to the pandemic have fared far better in maintaining high levels of employee engagement, which translates directly to engaged franchisees and, ultimately, to more loyal, satisfied customers. We are proud to recognize the companies that have dedicated the time and consistency to creating a culture that really moves the needle.”
“We are honored to receive this award and recognition from Franchise Business Review. Thank you! We believe the key to our success is based on a couple different components – culture and cultivation,” explained Sean Manning, CEO/Founder of Payroll Vault. “When you intentionally build a desirable and effective culture, you begin to attract entrepreneurs – career focused women and men. From that point on, you are offering a career and not just a job, no matter if it’s at the corporate level or franchise ownership.”
Tricia Petteys, COO/Co-founder, adds, “It’s equally as important to remain engaged to encourage open communication and support throughout the whole system. Naturally, we’ve always been a collaborative team, but we have taken collaboration to the next level and will continue to break barriers.”
Download the full Franchising@WORK Report and analysis of the findings here: https://fbrinfo.franchisebusinessreview.com/2021-franchising-at-work-report
About Payroll Vault
Providing entrepreneurs an opportunity to start and incorporate a payroll services business into their business portfolio with the support of an expert team. Founded in 2008 as a boutique full-service style payroll company that gained national attention, Payroll Vault launched their franchise concept in 2012. Powered behind an operational system, software and organizational plan, the services are ideal for small and medium sized businesses.
About Franchise Business Review
Franchise Business Review (FBR) is a leading independent market research firm that specializes in benchmarking franchisee and employee satisfaction. FBR provides franchise companies with benchmarks and best practices to improve satisfaction, employee engagement and retention. FBR has partnered with over 1,100 top-performing franchise companies to drive franchise growth and achieve greater success through data-driven insights. Learn more about FBR’s research at GoFBR.com.
Media Contacts:
Payroll Vault
Jessica Martin
Director of Marketing & EPM
Franchise Business Review
Ali Forman
B2B Marketing Director